
Spring 2012 Calendar

Mon, January 2: Fall Semester resumes

January 7: 4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

January 14: 4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

Mon, January 16: Spring semester begins

January 21: 12:45-1:30 Theory group A (school)
2-3pm Repertoire classes 1 & 2 (f & d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

January 28: 12:45-1:30 Theory group B (school)
3-4pm Studio 1 (d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

February 4 : 12:45-1:30 Theory group A (school)
2-3pm Repertoire classes 3&4 (f&d)
3-4pm Repertoire class 5 (d)
4-6pm Tour group Masterclass (f)

February 11: 12:45-1:30 Theory group B (school)
2-3pm Repertoire classes 1 & 2 (f & d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

Sunday, February 12: 2-3pm Sunday Salon

February 18: 12:45-1:30 Theory group A (school)
3-4pm Studio 2 (d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

February 25: 12:45-1:30 Theory group B (school)
3-4pm Studio 1 (d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

March 3: 12:45-1:30 Theory group A (school)
2-3pm Repertoire classes 3&4 (f&d)
3-4pm Repertoire class 5 (d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

Sunday, March 4: 2-3pm Sunday Salon

March 10: 9-12pm Tour group recording session followed by Panera lunch

March 18-25: Spring Break - No lessons!

March 31: 12:45-1:30 Theory group B (school)
3-4pm Studio 2 (d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

Sunday, April 1: 2-3pm Sunday Salon

April 7: 12:45-1:30 Theory group A (school)
2-3pm Repertoire classes 1 & 2 (f & d)
Happy Easter - NO Tour group rehearsal

April 14: 3-4pm Studio 1 (d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

April 21: 12:45-1:30 Theory group B (school)
3-4pm Studio 2 (d)
4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

Sun, April 22: Earth Day Festival – Possible Tour group performance

April 28: 2-3pm Repertoire classes 3&4 (f&d)
3-4pm Repertoire class 5 (d)
Sun, April 29: 2-2:45pm Tour Group Benefit Concert (f)

May 5: Recital at 1pm (Hannah and Laura)

May 6: 2:30pm Kirby Kay solo performance with Town and Country Symphony, Vivaldi’s “Summer” concerto.

May 12: 4-5pm Tour group rehearsal (d)

May 19: Spring festival Dress rehearsals!
2-2:15pm Pretwinklers (f)
2:15-3:45pm Suzuki play-in rehearsal (f)
4-5pm Studio 2 rehearsal
5:30-6:30pm Tour group rehearsal

Sun, May 20: Spring Festival at The Sheldon 1:30-2:30pm

May 26: Recitals at 1pm and 3:30pm (Kirby and Anita)

Sunday, June 3: 2-3pm Sunday Salon

June 9: Last day of spring semester

June 11: First day of summer session

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fiddle Assignment and recital clarification

Hello Fiddlers!

This week please be sure to practice the following with your teacher, even if you are sure you are doing it perfectly:

Mason's Apron - intonation at the start of the B section. The F# and G# are both sounding really out of tune in the group. When you place your first finger on the the B and the F# (non-simplified version only) make sure you use the inside corner of the finger or the F# will sound really flat. Be sure to check with your teacher that you are doing this properly and do some slow practice to really listen! This may sound confusing, so ask your teacher to help.

Redwing - Practice the ending note with the repeat back to the beginning. The long note should be three beats. Count "1-2-stop" to get a clean sound. If you don't stop your bow we will not all sound together. Be sure to check this with your teacher.

Bill Cheatem - Practice intonation on the first two notes. Practice with your teacher for good rhythm to make sure you are not coming in early after half notes.

Tango - Continue to practice articulation and musical stuff Kirby mentioned. Remember the spot where you have 3 beats of rest!

I also just wanted to clarify in case there was any confusion: although we have student recitals this weekend, not everyone is assigned to play. We have a total of 6 student recitals for violin or piano this semester, so don't worry, you're child is still performing on the day discussed with your teacher. However, everyone is welcome to come and attend the recitals this weekend, regardless of if they are performing or not.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend recitals and Faculty member's orchestra premire

Hello everyone,

Student recitals!
We have some recitals coming up this weekend at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in the Sanctuary. The recitals will be at 11am and 2pm Saturday, May 1 and will be approximately an hour (or less). We'll have goodies available afterwards. Everyone is welcome to attend and support our students who are performing. Feel free to invite family and friends too. The more the merrier!

Students who are performing should plan to arrive no later than 15 minutes before the recital to tune and warm up so we can start right on time. Performers, please wear dressy clothes. Boys should wear nice pants and a collared shirt. Girls should wear nice pants or skirt and a blouse, or a dress. No jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, tennis shoes, crocs, or shorts. Please also be sure the clothing is comfortable for playing.

Ocarina Concerto Premire!
Our flute/ocarina faculty member, Heather Scott, will be premiring the first concerto ever written for ocarina this Sunday, May 2 at 2:30pm with the Town and Country Symphony Orchestra.
The details can be found that the Symphony's website at
The concert will take place at The Principia 13201 Clayton Road, Town & Country, 63131 and admission is free.

We will be having a free reception after the concert at:
Longview Farm House
13525 Clayton Road
Town & Country, MO 63141

You are invited to come and meet the composer and the performer! We hope to see you at our performances this weekend!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summer and Fall Semesters

I am starting to get questions about when the summer and fall semesters are. Here's the upcoming schedule:

The spring semester goes through Saturday, June 5.

The summer semester is from Monday, June 7 through Saturday, August 7. At least one violin teacher will be available for that entire time. Piano lessons will be available starting in late June/early July.

The fall semester is from Monday, August 9 through Saturday, January 15 (2011). There will be a one week break at Thanksgiving and a two week winter break from Sunday, December 19 through Sunday, January 2. The following spring semester will begin immediately after the fall semester.

I'd also like to remind you all that any make ups you need to fit in need to happen before the end of this semester since your tuition covers the full 20 weeks of the semester. If you plan to be away at the end of the semester (especially Memorial Day weekend) now would be the time to let your teacher know so a make up can be scheduled since we do not allow cancelations. Otherwise you won't be able to receive that lesson. Please also keep in mind that all of our schedules are extremely busy for the next month with all the recitals and performances coming up, so please avoid giving us last minute notice in scheduling make ups or letting us know about schedule conflicts.
We appreciate your help. Many thanks!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Group and Fiddle classes this Saturday

Hi All,
We have our last set of group and fiddle classes this Saturday, April 24.

2pm: Suzuki Groups 3 and 5
3pm: Fiddle group

This is the last time we'll meet before the Spring Festival dress rehearsal on May 8th. We'll be at St. Timothy's as usual. See you then!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pianofest and the St. Louis Symphony

Hello All,
The Artist Presentation Society is presenting "Pianofest" with Andrew Sheffield next Sunday, April 25 at 3pm. It will take place at the Ethical Society of St. Louis
9001 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO 63117. Mr. Sheffield will be performing works by Chopin, Beethoven, Belcom (some piano ragtime music), and Schumann.

Tickets can be purchased at the door for $15 ($12 seniors and $5 for students).

Next weekend is the weekend that that world famous violinist Pincas Zuckerman is coming to play with the St. Louis Symphony. He'll be performing the Bach A minor concerto which is a really awesome piece. It's not to be missed, especially those of you learning this piece!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Faculty Recital

Come see our faculty recital this Saturday, April 17th at 7:15pm. We'll be at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Studio, Group, and Fiddle Classes Saturday, April 10

Hi All,
We've got classes coming up this Saturday at St. Timothy's:

1pm: Beginning/intermediate studio class
2pm: Suzuki groups 1,2 and 4
3pm: Fiddle class

If you're a Suzuki student planning to play in the festival and have not made it to a group class yet, please be sure to come. The festival is coming up soon and the more we all practice playing together, the better we'll sound!

We'll get the juice and cookies out in a timely fashion this time! Sorry about that last week!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Theory Assignment

Hi All,

Here's the theory assignment from the classes earlier today. Both classes have fairly similar assignments this week.

1. Try to identify major and minor key music you hear on the radio. Have fun doing a "car music quiz" with mom or dad. It can be a fun game. Also listen for major and minor keys in the upcoming recitals. (Hint: all the book 1 pieces are major!)
2. Practice open string melodic dictation. After finding all the open strings on the staff to create a "cheat sheet", parents can pluck strings slowly and let your child find them on the staff. Don't be too eager to jump in and help too quickly. Feel free to let them make mistakes and learn to correct them since that can be a good part of learning and internalizing the knowledge. Also, you can switch roles and have your child pluck strings and you put the notes on the staff. Be sure to make lots of mistakes so they can help you and show off what they know! With melodic dication it's good to start slow and just do a small number of notes like 3 or 4, or maybe even just one or two notes if he/she is finding it really challenging without parental help. You can always increase the number if it's too easy. Each little melody should be repeated a few times so your child has time to check his/her work. If dictation is quite a challenge, try just doing two strings only and spend lots of time reviewing how to put the open strings on the staff.
3. Blue jello dynamics! Try doing different dynamics on the blue jello cards: pp (pianissimo), p (piano), mp (mezzo piano), mf (mezzo forte), f (forte), ff (fortissimo!), cresc (crescendo = get louder), decresc (decrescendo = get softer), dim (diminuendo = get softer). If it gets pretty easy, kids can try playing the rhythms on their the arm or on open strings. Remember that big bows are loud and small bows are soft.

Since I got questions about this from some parents, for the difference between minor and major check out:

Major key - any piece on the book 1 CD
Minor then Major key- The first half of this piece is minor and the second half switches to major around 0:50. (on electric violin)
Major then Minor key - This piece is in major at first. It switches to minor at about 1:40 and swtiches back to major a bit before 2:30. (it's Yo-Yo Ma and Itzak Perlman, so it's worth checking out just for the sake of beauty, as well as for listening for major and minor!)

Feel free to ask me or your teacher if you would like more listening ideas to learn to identify the difference. Remember major keys are associated with positive emotions and bright colors and minor is associated with negative emotions and dark colors, so try listening for how the music makes you feel to help identify the key.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Upcoming Concerts and Faculty Recital

Hi everyone!
There are some terrific concerts coming up this month at the St. Louis Symphony as well as our faculty recital.

The details for our faculty recital are below:

When: Saturday, April 17 at 7:15pm
Where: St. Timothy's Episcopal Church (808 N. Mason Road, Creve Coeur)
Who: Kirby Kay, Maggie Kline, Dennis Yeh, Heather Scott, and Lan Sin Lim
What: Chamber and Solo works by Brahms, Bach, Maloy, Mozart, and Clarke.

Admission is free so feel free to bring friends and family.

We hope to see you there!


Two world famous, not-to-be-missed violinists will be performing with the St. Louis Symphony this month! Details and tickets available here:

Gil Shaham will be performing with the Symphony on Friday, April 9 through Sunday, April 12. He's got two different programs, one a Mozart concerto and the Stravinsky concerto, and on the other a Prokoviev concerto.

Here is a good video of Gil Shaham. Check out how nicely he uses his full bow, frog to tip. (Those of you who study with me - Laura - do you see now why I am constantly shouting "get to the frog!" on your tone twinkles and scales? It'll help you sound more like Mr. Shaham!)

Pinchas Zukerman is coming Friday, April 23 through Sunday, April 25. He'll be playing the Bach A minor concerto and will be conducting for some of the concert too. He is one of the last of the great old generation of violinists. It's worth catching him while you still can.

Here is Zukerman (on viola in this video) with Itzak Perlman. Check out how rich and full his tone is!

(Please keep in mind when watching these youtube videos that we have no control over the content of the comments below the video. Occasionally rude comments do show up below youtube videos so it's best to ignore comments section.)

Happy music making and music listening this month!